Sensitive Tribal Areas on the Arctic Slope: An Update of Areas, Issues, and A...
Wolfe, Robert J., & ICAS, Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope. (2013). Sensitive Tribal Areas on the Arctic Slope: An update of Areas, Issues, and Actions in Four... -
Changing Daily Wind Speeds on Alaska's North Slope: Implications for Rural Hu...
Hansen, Winslow D., Brinkman, Todd J., Leonawicz, Matthew, Chapin III, F. S., & Kofinas, Gary. (2013). Changing Daily Wind speeds on Alaska's North Slope: Implications for... -
Environmental Exploitation by the Eskimos of Wainwright, Alaska
Bane, G. Ray. (1966). Environmental exploitation by the Eskimos of Wainwright. Alaska. Unpubl. Final report for Air Force Contract No. 41(609)-3200. Arctic Aeromedical...