Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (Vegetation Layer)
Mapped polygons at 1:7.5 million scale contain many vegetation types. The map portrays the zonal vegetation within each mapped polygon. Zonal sites are areas where the... -
Circumpolar Arctic Coastline and Treeline Map
The map extent is the Arctic, defined as the Arctic Bioclimate Zone, the area of the Earth with tundra vegetation and an Arctic climate and Arctic flora. It excludes tundra... -
Subsistence Sharing Networks and Cooperation: Kaktovik, Wainwright, and Venet...
This study documented and analyzed social networks of sharing and cooperation that are part of Alaska Native subsistence-cash economies, and explored the potential vulnerability... -
Data to Decisions: Planetarium and Visualization Theater
Minigrant recipient of Data to Decisions funding effort for improve capacity for visualization in the UA system. -
Kenaitze Indian Tribe "Data Bites" Day
Interactive workshop with youth of Kenaitze Indian Tribe about data, uses of data, and the power dynamics of data creation and visualization. -
EPSCoR Education and Outreach Assistant Christine Butcher has made regular trips to Nuiqsut over the last two years to administer a program called MapTEACH (Mapping Technology... -
Nuiqsut on the Colville: Land of Sky, Tundra and Water
We created this book to document Nuiqsut and its changing landscape for the people who live there.