Elevation Range
This dataset contains polygons depicting ranges in elevation that were created using the dem60 tong_lat lattice and the Tongass wide VCU dataset. -
Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS)
Depicts the spatial location of areas showing the type of Recreation Opportunity Settings that exist. Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS). Updated by Tetra Tech EC - June 6,... -
Timber Classification
This dataset contains polygons describing photo interpreted map classifications of the Tongass National Forest developed in 1978. The dataset's primary objective was to... -
Value Comparison Units
The dataset contains polygons which were created during development of the first Tongass National Forest Land Management Plan to summarize and analyze data on smaller areas... -
Tongass National Forest, Cover Type, 2013
CoverType is a photo-interpreted delineation of the Tongass National Forest by land type and timber cover type. Classification of lands was done sequentially: 1) land and water... -
Tongass National Forest, Activity Polygon, 2013
Depicts the area of activities within or in close proximity to an administrative unit. The ActivityPolygon layer is updated for new treatment units and will display the gross... -
Tongass National Forest, Riparian Management Areas (RMA), 2013
This feature class contains polygons which depict Riparian Management Areas on the Tongass National Forest. The script is in T:\FS\Reference\GeoTool\r10_tnf\ToolboxDelineation... -
Tongass National Forest, Suitability, 2013
This dataset represents the suitable areas for timber harvest on the Tongass National Forest -
Tongass National Forest, Land Use Designation, 2013
This dataset is used to denote USFS Land Use Designations (LUD) on the Tongass National Forest. Chapter 3, of Land and Resource Management Plan includes the complete management... -
Tongass National Forest, Roadless 2003, 2013
Roadless areas were updated from the Roadless Rule maps, based on current roads and harvest units. -
Tongass National Forest, Roadless Rule 2001, 2013
Created by the Roadless Rule (WO-Group). It's the Law. This coverage contains the true inventoried roadless area and it will not change. Use this feature class for Roadless.... -
Tongass National Forest, Size Density, 2013
This data represents the output of the Size Density Model which classifies vegetation into 7 categories. This dataset is a derived data set using Tongass National Forest... -
Tongass National Forest, Roadless 2008, 2013
Roadless 2008 was an update of roadless 2003. Contains the most recent inventory of the roadless conditions, -
Land Ownership
Tongass N.F. Landstatus, Administrative, ownership, encumbered and municipal layer -
District Boundaries
This dataset displays the boundaries of Forest Service Ranger Districts on the Tongass National Forest. -
Invasive Plants
All Tongass National Forest invasive plant occurences (polygons) spatial and attribute data. -
20 Meter Aspect
Terrain aspect polygons derived from the 20 meter DEM data using the custom script - wildaspect.aml -
Cumulative Yellow-Cedar Decline
Data represent presence/absence for cedar decline is occurrence Cedar decline refers to the dying or decline of yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) forests in Southeast... -
Non-Routed Trails
This feature class consists of the trail not routed on the Tongass National Forest. A route feature stores the spatial locations (geography) of the trail. -
Ranger Districts
A depiction of the boundary that encompasses a Ranger District.