Kasaan Bay Watershed Management Plan
The purpose of the Kasaan Bay Watershed Management Plan is to provide a framework for the Organized Village of Kasaan and the Kasaan Bay Watershed Council to work from in order... -
Jordan Creek Watershed Recovery and Management Plan - Juneau, Alaska
Although much of its watershed remains forested, Jordan Creek is located in an area that has rapidly urbanized late in the last century. The creek and its watershed are valued... -
Auke Lake Watershed Assessment - Juneau, Alaska
Situated approximately 12 miles north of Juneau, Alaska, Auke Lake is an anadromous system supporting coho, sockeye, pink and chum salmon, as well as cutthroat trout, rainbow... -
Pullen Creek Waterbody Recovery Plan Best Management Practices - Skagway, Alaska
Pullen Creek, located in Skagway, Alaska, has been on the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list (10303-004) since 1990 for non-attainment of the Toxic and Other Deleterious... -
Pullen Creek Assessment - Skagway, Alaska
Pullen Creek, located in Skagway, Alaska, is listed on Alaska’s Section of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 1996 303(d) impaired waterbody list and on the Alaska... -
The Taiya Inlet Watershed Council (TIWC) was formed in 2002 with a mission to preserve and protect the health of the Taiya Inlet Watershed through research, restoration,... -
Partnering for Salmon Restoration - Sitkoh River Restoration Factsheet
The Sitka Conservation Society, Trout Unlimited, US Forest Service, and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Sustainable Salmon Fund have committed resources to conduct a... -
Haines Borough Fish Passage Inventory and Assessment
Small streams in Southeast Alaska provide diverse and well-distributed habitat for anadromous fish, which support subsistence, commercial, and sport fisheries across the region.... -
A Conservation Assessment for the Coastal Forests and Mountains Ecoregion of ...
Albert, D. and J. Schoen. 2007. “A Conservation Assessment for the Coastal Forests and Mountains Ecoregion of Southeastern Alaska and the Tongass National Forest.” In The... -
Saginaw Creek Watershed Restoration Plan
The Saginaw Creek watershed (Hydrologic Unit Code 190102020104) lies within the North Kuiu priority watershed in the north central portion of Kuiu Island on the Petersburg... -
Little Gunnuk Creek Site Visit - Kake, Alaska
Little Gunnuk Creek is located in the Little Gunnuk watershed, approximately 0.25 miles southeast of the Gunnuk Creek Hatchery in Kake, Alaska. It is a Class 1 salmon stream... -
Auke Lake Watershed Action Plan - Juneau, Alaska
The Auke Lake Watershed Assessment, completed by the Juneau Watershed Partnership (JWP) in 2009, offers an inventory and assessment of general characteristics such as the... -
Duck Creek Bioassessment Summer 2005 - Juneau, Alaska
Duck Creek is listed as an impaired water body by the state of Alaska. Four decades of urbanization in the watershed have contributed to poor water quality and loss of aquatic... -
Taiya Inlet Stream Condition Assessment - Skagway, Alaska
In 2002, concerns over sustainable watershed mangagement led Skagway area residents, business owners, the City of Skagway, the Skagway Traditional Council, the National Park... -
Duffield Peninsula: Duffield Creek & Adams Creek Watersheds HYDROLOGIC CONDIT...
The USFS Sitka Ranger District initiated this Duffield Peninsula Watershed Restoration Plan to collect, summarize and analyze both existing and new data in order to describe the... -
Cobble Area Aquatic Watershed Restoration Prioritization and Rehabilitation Plan
This plan provides a rationale and means to prioritize the allocation of resources for the restoration of watershed in the Cobble Area. While the extraction and development of... -
Fish Bay Watershed Restoration Plan
The Fish Bay Watershed Restoration Plan (WRP) area includes the Fish Bay Creek watershed which has a high priority for protection and restoration among Sitka Ranger District... -
Holgate Creek Assessment and Monitoring Project Final Report
In July 2005, US Fish & Wildlife Service awarded a grant to Takshanuk Watershed Council to complete a baseline assessment and monitoring project on Holgate Creek in Haines,... -
North Thorne Project Area Watershed Restoration Plan
The North Thorne Project Area is a set of highly valued and ecologically diverse watersheds located in the central eastern portion of Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska.... -
Twelemile Creek Restoration Assessment of 2014 Flooding
Twelvemile Creek is located on Prince of Wales Island, approximately nine air miles southwest of Hollis and eight air miles northeast of Hydaburg, AK (Figure 1). Historically,...