Prudhoe Bay Cumulative Impact Map C: Raynolds 2014
Map C of the historical infrastructure changes for the Prudhoe Bay Oilfield for 10 dates from the initial oil discovery in 1968–2011. Aerial photos taken in 1949 and 1968 were... -
Sagwon Patterned-Ground 10 x 10 m Grids
The Sagwon patterned-ground grids are located at the northern edge of the rolling foothills, at the boundary with the flatter coastal plain. This is also the boundary between... -
Beechey Point Land Cover Classification: CRREL Report 87-5
This report presents a Landsat-derived land cover classification of the Beechey Point, Alaska, 1:250,000-scale quadrangle with descriptions of the major vegetation units. Eight... -
Landsat MSS-derived land-cover map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
This land cover map of the Seward Peninsula is based on a classification of Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS) data. The Landsat multiple scene mosaic was furnished by the USGS, EROS... -
Upper Kuparuk River Region Surficial Geology
Surficial geology affects vegetation patterns and disturbance recovery rates. Surficial geology was grouped into the following classes for map display: • Glacial till deposit:... -
Ecosystems of Northern Alaska (Jorgenson & Heiner 2003)
Map image, GIS data and publication pending - This map was funded by The Nature Conservancy to provide a seamless ecological context for analysis of the distribution of... -
Circumpolar Arctic Biomass Trend 1982-2010 (Epstein et al. 2012)
Trend in Arctic biomass was calculated from a linear regression of biomass values for all years 1982-2010 (Epstein et al 2012). Pixels with significant trends (p < 0.05) were... -
Circumpolar Arctic Biomass (Raynolds et al 2012)
This map portrays an estimate of above ground plant biomass for the tundra biome based on trans-Arctic field data and AVHRR NDVI (Raynolds et al. 2012). Aboveground phytomass... -
Alaska Arctic False Color-Infrared (CIR) Map
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data were obtained from the USGS Global AVHRR 10-day composite data (http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/1KM/1kmhomepage.asp) (Markon et al.... -
Alaska Arctic Lake Cover Map
Lake cover strongly affects the reflectance of the land surface over large areas of Alaska, and was useful for identifying extensive wetlands. Lake cover was based on the number... -
AVA-AK: ATLAS-2 (Raynolds et al. 2002)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: ATLAS-2. The ATLAS-2 dataset is part of larger NSF-funded Arctic Transition in Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project. ATLAS-2 contains the... -
AVA-AK: ATLAS-1 (Atqasuk, Barrow, Ivotuk, Oumalik) Vegetation Studies (Edward...
Arctic Vegetation Archive-Alaska: ATLAS-1. Vegetation from 15 releves within 8 different grids at Barrow, Atqasuk, Ivotuk and Oumalik were described as part of the NSF-funded... -
Kuparuk River Basin Landscape Units Map
Generalized landscape units for Kuparuk River basin. Polygon coverage of landscape units for the Kuparuk River watershed with seven units. This map was drawn by Skip Walker,... -
AVA-AK: Frost Boil Vegetation Plots (Kade et al. 2005)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Frost Boil Vegetation Plots. The vegetation associated with cryoturbated frost-heave features on the North Slope, Alaska was described by... -
2013 NSSI Landcover for North Slope of Alaska
This map is the outcome of a multi-year project to produce a moderate resolution landcover base map for the North Slope of Alaska to serve as a primary base layer for long-term... -
Toolik Lake Grid Percent Water
The Toolik Lake Grid map focuses on the south side of Toolik Lake. This area is one of the principal intensive research areas at the Toolik Lake Field Station. It includes many... -
Prudhoe Bay 1949 BAR Photography WMS
WMS feed for 1949 BAR photography mosaic for the Prudhoe Bay region. Raw data is available on request, contact GINA at: support@gina.alaska.edu, with data request. -
Nuiqsut on the Colville: Land of Sky, Tundra and Water
We created this book to document Nuiqsut and its changing landscape for the people who live there. -
Marine Resource Planning Web Map, Coastal Module
The Marine Resource Planning map of the Southeast Alaska Coastal Module contains vessel traffic, oil spill response layers, mariculture, ESI, earthquakes, spills, landslides,... -
AK EPSCoR SCTC Sensor Locations
Interactive web map showing the locations of various sensors used by Alaska EPSCoR Southcentral Test Case researchers. These sensors are located on the Kenai Peninsula and...