Preliminary Geologic Map of Southcentral to Southeast AK - ranging from the Cook Inlet region, located at the northern part of the Gulf of Alaska to Prince Rupert and Dixon... -
FaultsAlaska Coal Geology, Resources, and Coalbed Methane Potential
Faults of Southeast Alaska. Estimated Alaska coal resources are largely in Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks distributed in three major provinces. Northern Alaska-Slope, Central... -
Tongass National Forest Landslides
FISCAL 2011: Inventory: "2011 fiscal yr additions and edits, Tongass Soil Scientists" Including landslides added by Becki Saari from Big Thorne analysis area, landslides added... -
Ecological SubsectionsEcological Subsections of Southeast Alaska and Neighbor...
This geospatially explicit vector-based polygon dataset identifies 85 terrestrial ecological subsection delineations present in Southeast Alaska and the Tongass National Forest....