Kenai Peninsula Borough Commercial Fishing Revenues 1980-2014
Commercial fishing revenues earned by residents of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, by type of fishery (source: Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission). “Salmon: UCI” refers... -
Upper Cook Inlet Drift and Set Gillnet Permit Usage and Ownership 1980-2014
Number of permits issued (solid) and fished (dashed) for the two Upper Cook Inlet commercial salmon fisheries (drift gillnet and set gillnet), by residency of permit holder... -
Landscape Changes on the Kenai Peninsula
Landscape changes on the Kenai Peninsula: A) Cumulative loss of mass, meters of water equivalent, of Wolverine Glacier, a representative coastal glacier in the Kenai Mountains,... -
Fishery Permit Ownership and Revenue in the Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1980-2014
Concentration of (A) fishery permits and (B) variability in fishery revenues for selected communities of the Kenai Peninsula Borough (source: Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry... -
Kenai Peninsula Precipitation and Air Temperature Trend Analysis
This paper combines precipitation and temperature data from weather stations located throughout the Kenai Peninsula region of Alaska with trend testing to determine if there are...