Gulf Apex Predator prey (GAP)
The GAP project was initiated in 1999 by Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program faculty at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in Kodiak to address trophic-level questions of... -
Surviving the gauntlet: A comparative study of the pelagic and demersal and s...
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Passive acoustic monitoring of Cook Inlet belugas
Through this research, we hope to identify human activities negatively impacting Cook Inlet belugas and their value as perceived by society by analyzing the vocal repertoire of... -
Endocrine responsiveness in Chinook salmon
Ichthyophonus hoferi is a parasite infecting various fish species, including Chinook salmon. While the parasite is not harmful to humans, the effects on the fish host can be... -
Documenting fine-scale response of humpback whales to acoustic deterrents
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Reproductive biology of marine mammals
Northern sea otters were extirpated from southeast Alaska in the late 1800's due to extensive hunting by fur traders. They were reintroduced successfully to the area from 1965... -
Effects of the social context on stress responsiveness in pinnipeds
The typical response to a stressor in Vertebrates involves the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. It consists of a complicated series of hormonal cascade that results in... -
Food webs in flux: tracking freshwater delivery of nutrients to coastal ecosy...
In Southeast Alaska, rapidly receding glaciers and changes in rainfall have a major impact on freshwater discharge and will affect the transport of nutrients to coastal...