2012 ASDP Caribou.pdf

URL: https://catalog.epscor.alaska.edu/dataset/0b9a0720-638a-4ebf-92cc-84c2aab7b931/resource/e60def19-46bd-4adb-a529-e0e5ee9286d9/download/2012-asdp-caribou.pdf

From the dataset abstract

Discoveries of additional oil reserves on the Colville River delta and in the northeastern National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska (NPRA) in the 1990s led to a proposal by ConocoPhillips...

Source: Caribou Monitoring Study For The Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2012

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Metadata last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Created 17 de decembro de 2019
Format application/pdf
License No License Provided
createdVai máis de 5 anos
last modifiedVai máis de 5 anos
on same domainTrue
package id0b9a0720-638a-4ebf-92cc-84c2aab7b931
revision id02880217-73f0-4cfd-9a5b-b1065ad3e137
size65 MiB
url typeupload