Expanding Human Footprint in the Lower Kenai...

URL: https://catalog.epscor.alaska.edu/dataset/1786f5d9-d5bb-4f27-b480-f42595b6e6ed/resource/f6304f51-34ad-489e-8bef-563e7ac4551e/download/figure-7_expanding-human-footprint.jpg

From the dataset abstract

The expanding footprint of human development in the lower Kenai River watershed based on analysis of aerial photographs. Inset in top panel shows location within entire Kenai River...

Source: Human Development in the Lower Kenai River Watershed, 1950-2013 - Interactive Slider Graphic

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Metadata last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Created 17 de decembro de 2019
Format image/jpeg
License License not specified
createdVai máis de 5 anos
has viewsTrue
last modifiedVai máis de 5 anos
on same domainTrue
package id1786f5d9-d5bb-4f27-b480-f42595b6e6ed
revision id7370d391-0a50-46e9-a739-c3f3701c97d9
size1,9 MiB
url typeupload