2009 GKA Mammals_Final.pdf

URL: https://catalog.epscor.alaska.edu/dataset/816cdf60-cf35-4753-a69a-3d0d4c35ce1e/resource/7e331b0c-3247-4a0d-b820-716f9850ccc2/download/2009-gka-mammals_final.pdf

From the dataset abstract

The focus of this study was the distribution, abundance, and calf production of Central Arctic Herd (CAH) caribou between the Colville and Kuparuk rivers in northern Alaska during...

Source: Mammal Surveys in the Greater Kuparuk Area, Northern Alaska, 2009

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Metadata last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Created 17 de decembro de 2019
Format application/pdf
License No License Provided
createdVai máis de 5 anos
last modifiedVai máis de 5 anos
on same domainTrue
package id816cdf60-cf35-4753-a69a-3d0d4c35ce1e
revision id2269852b-eaa1-4717-8f1b-f3e58980609e
size11,4 MiB
url typeupload