2008 Kuparuk Avian Studies_FINAL.pdf

URL: https://catalog.epscor.alaska.edu/dataset/dc6b4cca-bbd1-4ceb-a969-aa26eefb9f7a/resource/0a10d63d-20dc-4644-bcc8-a2e2e8b1373f/download/2008-kuparuk-avian-studies_final.pdf

From the dataset abstract

From 1988–1999, ABR, Inc., conducted avian studies for ARCO Alaska, Inc., in the Kuparuk Oilfield on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. In 2000–2008, we continued this work under the new...

Source: Avian Studies in the Kuparuk Oilfield, 2008

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Metadata last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Created 17 de decembro de 2019
Format application/pdf
License No License Provided
createdVai máis de 5 anos
last modifiedVai máis de 5 anos
on same domainTrue
package iddc6b4cca-bbd1-4ceb-a969-aa26eefb9f7a
revision id0afe77b1-84f7-4c90-938b-bfced93b3423
size19,9 MiB
url typeupload