5 datasets found

Formatos: KMZ Etiquetas: Transportation

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  • Non-Routed Trails

    This feature class consists of the trail not routed on the Tongass National Forest. A route feature stores the spatial locations (geography) of the trail.
  • Non-routed Other Roads

    Non-routed roads are roads not included in the Tongass National Forest Travel Atlas or are part of National Forest System roads including State roads, county roads, city roads,...
  • Roads With Core Attributes

    A route feature stores the spatial locations (geography) of the road. These feature classes have an (M) value or measure on their vertices. A route system depicts all roads...
  • Trails With Core Attributes

    This feature class consists of the trail routes on the Tongass National Forest. A route feature stores the spatial locations (geography) of the trail. These feature classes have...
  • Southeast Alaska Vessel Traffic Index, TNC, 2009

    Data on marine vessel traffic for 2009 was obtained from the Marine Exchange of Alaska (http://www.mxak.org). These data record locations for all tracked vessels at 6 second...