34 datasets found

Etiquetas: Southeast Alaska

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  • Tongass National Forest, Soil Inventory, 2013

    This data is a digital soil survey developed for the Tongass National Forest as well as some state and private lands in Southeast Alaska. Data was created from soil map units...
  • AK Hydro Dams in Southeast Alaska

    This dataset provides a locational map of dams in Southeast Alaska. The National Inventory of Dams was originally developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal...
  • ROD Group Sites

    The Forest Plan allows for the identification of areas where larger groups can use National Forest Lands for activities (commercial or non-commercial). The ROD group areas...
  • Native American Clan Boundaries

    This dataset demonstrates Native American Clan boundaries within the Tongass National Forest. It reflects the info gathered depicting the 1900-1950 status of clan traditional...
  • Quarter Quadrangle Map Series

    This dataset contains polygons which represent the USGS quarter quadrangle map series.
  • 250K Shoreline

    This dataset contains polygons describing a generic shoreline of the Tongass National Forest.
  • Log Transfer Facilities

    This dataset represents the Marine Access Log Transfer Facility sites on the Tongass National Forest. The points were digitized directly into GIS from known coordinates or...
  • Visuals

    This dataset contains polygons which describe a visual resource layer used to manage the scenic resources of the Tongass National Forest and to assess the visual impacts of...
  • 60 Meter Aspect

    Terrain aspect polygons derived from the 60 meter DEM (digital elevation model) data using the custom script - wildaspect.aml, from DEM's produced in the late 1990's.
  • USGS Quad 63k

    This dataset contains polygons which represent the USGS quarter quadrangle map series.
  • Radio Repeaters

    Radio repeaters located on the Tongass National Forest
  • Wildlife Analysis Areas

    The dataset contains polygons that correspond to Wildlife Analysis Areas on the Tongass National Forest.
  • Descriptions for Recreation Opportunities

    General descriptions for recreation opportunities for the Recreation Site - Facility Master Planning Process.
  • Tongass NF - Public Land Survey System

    This dataset contains polygons showing the Township, Range and Section boundaries within the Tongass National Forest. This cover was received from the ALP (USFS automated lands...
  • Snow

    This dataset contains polygons describing the propensity for deep snow.
  • Elevation Range

    This dataset contains polygons depicting ranges in elevation that were created using the dem60 tong_lat lattice and the Tongass wide VCU dataset.
  • Contours

    Contour lines and corresponding elevations in feet for the Tongass National Forest. Elevation can be displayed at 100 foot intervals. The contour lines can also be displayed at...
  • Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS)

    Depicts the spatial location of areas showing the type of Recreation Opportunity Settings that exist. Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS). Updated by Tetra Tech EC - June 6,...
  • Timber Classification

    This dataset contains polygons describing photo interpreted map classifications of the Tongass National Forest developed in 1978. The dataset's primary objective was to...
  • Tongass National Forest, Cover Type, 2013

    CoverType is a photo-interpreted delineation of the Tongass National Forest by land type and timber cover type. Classification of lands was done sequentially: 1) land and water...