Human Development in the Lower Kenai River Watershed, 1950-2013 - Interactive...
The expanding footprint of human development in the lower Kenai River watershed based on analysis of aerial photographs. Inset in top panel shows location within entire Kenai... -
Kenai Peninsula Borough Commercial Fishing Revenues 1980-2014
Commercial fishing revenues earned by residents of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, by type of fishery (source: Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission). “Salmon: UCI” refers... -
Commercial, Recreational, and Personal Use Harvest Trends in the Kenai River ...
Trends in harvest and effort in the commercial gill net (A), recreational hook-and-line (B), and personal use dip net and gill net (C) fisheries on the northern Kenai Peninsula.... -
Wildfire locations in the Kenai River watershed 1943-2016
Wildfire locations in the Kenai River watershed during 1943-2016 (data from AFS 2016). Symbol size represents fire area in acres (0.4047 ha). For more information, please see... -
Upper Cook Inlet Drift and Set Gillnet Permit Usage and Ownership 1980-2014
Number of permits issued (solid) and fished (dashed) for the two Upper Cook Inlet commercial salmon fisheries (drift gillnet and set gillnet), by residency of permit holder... -
Landscape Changes on the Kenai Peninsula
Landscape changes on the Kenai Peninsula: A) Cumulative loss of mass, meters of water equivalent, of Wolverine Glacier, a representative coastal glacier in the Kenai Mountains,... -
Observed and Projected Changes in Air Temperature and Precipitation, Kenai, A...
Observed and projected changes in (A) air temperature and (B) precipitation at the city of Kenai and (C) observed changes in discharge in the Kenai River at town of Cooper... -
Fishery Permit Ownership and Revenue in the Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1980-2014
Concentration of (A) fishery permits and (B) variability in fishery revenues for selected communities of the Kenai Peninsula Borough (source: Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry... -
Poster - Changes Facing Salmon Ecosystems
Salmon face risks from a rapidly changing climate, landscape change, and ocean acidification, but may also benefit from warming temperatures and glacial retreat under some... -
Retreat of Skilak Glacier 1952-2013 - Interactive Slider Graphic
Perspective rendering showing retreat of the Skilak Glacier, a major source of glacial runoff to the Kenai River. Colored lines indicate ice extent for 1952, 1978, and 2013... -
Map - Kenai River Watershed
Map of Kenai River watershed (dark shaded region) and focal subbasins for the EPSCoR Southcentral Test Case (blue shaded regions within the watershed). Glaciers within the... -
Glaciers, Lakes, and Salmon Productivity
Influences of glaciers and lakes on the hydrology and ecology of salmon-bearing rivers. Photo credits (L-R): Marli Miller, U. Oregon; John Schoen; National Weather Service. For... -
Seasonal Hydrographs of Kenai River and Sub-Basins
Seasonal hydrographs of the mainstem Kenai River and three tributaries representing lowland (Beaver Creek), montane (Russian River), and glacially influenced montane (Ptarmigan... -
Total Run Sizes of Chinook and Sockeye Salmon in the Kenai River, 1976-2015
Returns (total run size: escapement + harvest) of adult Chinook and Sockeye salmon to the Kenai River and a major tributary, the Russian River (ADFG data). Returns are plotted...