Kenai Peninsula Borough Commercial Fishing Revenues 1980-2014
Commercial fishing revenues earned by residents of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, by type of fishery (source: Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission). “Salmon: UCI” refers... -
Upper Cook Inlet Drift and Set Gillnet Permit Usage and Ownership 1980-2014
Number of permits issued (solid) and fished (dashed) for the two Upper Cook Inlet commercial salmon fisheries (drift gillnet and set gillnet), by residency of permit holder... -
Landscape Changes on the Kenai Peninsula
Landscape changes on the Kenai Peninsula: A) Cumulative loss of mass, meters of water equivalent, of Wolverine Glacier, a representative coastal glacier in the Kenai Mountains,... -
Fishery Permit Ownership and Revenue in the Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1980-2014
Concentration of (A) fishery permits and (B) variability in fishery revenues for selected communities of the Kenai Peninsula Borough (source: Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry...