
群組: All Maps

  • Barrow

    D. A. Walker IBP site and topogrid with 7 themes. These are currently in a paper/mylar version and need to be digitized. Once complete, they will be available for download...
  • Toolik Lake Area Geobotanical (All layers)

    The Toolik Lake vegetation area is located near the western boundary of the Upper Kuparuk River region and encloses a 20-km^2 area surrounding Toolik Lake that stretches from...
  • Kuparuk River Basin Landsat False-CIR Image

    Kuparuk River Basin False Color-Infrared (CIR) image - Registered and rectified CIR image created in ENVI from the MSS image. It is a raster map (tiff), with 30-m pixel...
  • Toolik Lake Area Soil Carbon

    Map of the Toolik Lake research area soil carbon. The map encloses a 20 km^2 area surrounding Toolik Lake that stretches from the Dalton Highway on the east to Jade Mountain on...
  • Kuparuk River Basin Elevation Map

    Kuparuk River Basin elevation (m) is a grid map (tif) with 30-m pixels. Data are taken from the GTOPO30 global digital elevation model (DEM) (Gesch et al. 1999) and are at...
  • Kuparuk River Basin Vegetation Map (Muller et al. 1998)

    The vegetation of the Kuparuk River watershed was mapped for several US National Science Foundation projects, including the Arctic System Science Flux Study and the Long-Term...
  • Upper Kuparuk River Region SPOT CIR

    The French SPOT satellite data (20-m resolution) were obtained on 28 July 1989 and provides a view of the mapped region from space. The false-color infrared image shows more...
  • Upper Kuparuk River Region SPOT NDVI

    The French SPOT satellite data (20-m resolution) were obtained on 28 July 1989 and provides a view of the mapped region from space. NDVI is an index of vegetation greenness that...
  • Upper Kuparuk River Region Landform

    Landforms were grouped into the following classes for map display: • Hill or mountain: Includes undifferentiated hills and mountains of all slopes and sizes. Includes moraines...
  • Toolik Lake Grid Geobotanical

    The Toolik Lake grid map focuses on the 1.2-km2 research grid on the south side of Toolik Lake. This area is one of the principal intensive research areas at the Toolik Lake...
  • Toolik Lake Grid Vegetation

    Vegetation map of the Toolik Lake research grid. The attribute table contains data for vegetation, surficial geomorphology, surficial geology, glacial geology, and water. Back...
  • Toolik Lake Grid Surficial Geomorphology

    The Toolik Lake Grid map focuses on the south side of Toolik Lake. This area is one of the principal intensive research areas at the Toolik Lake Field Station. It includes many...
  • Toolik Lake Area Surficial Geology

    Map of the Toolik Lake research area surficial geology . The attribute table contains data for vegetation, surficial geomorphology, surficial geology, glacial geology, and...
  • Toolik Lake Area Vegetation

    Map of the Toolik Lake research area . The attribute table contains data for vegetation. The Toolik Lake vegetation area is located near the western boundary of the Upper...
  • Toolik Lake Grid Digital Elevation Map (DEM)

    This Digital Elevation Map (DEM) was created from the contour lines of the Aerometrics orthophoto from 1996. In addition the 1 x1 km CALM grid with 121 points (every 100 m) was...
  • Toolik Lake Grid Glacial Geology

    The Toolik Lake Grid map focuses on the south side of Toolik Lake. This area is one of the principal intensive research areas at the Toolik Lake Field Station. It includes many...
  • Imnavait Creek Area (Walker & Maier 2008)

    The Imnavait Creek vegetation area is located near the center of the Upper Kuparuk River region, east of Toolik Lake. It encloses a 20-km^2 area south of the Dalton Highway that...
  • Upper Kuparuk River Region Hydrology

    This vector map shows the Upper Kuparuk River Region Hydrology and Watershed Boundary map. Back to Upper Kuparuk River Region Go to Website Link :: Toolik Arctic Geobotanical...
  • Upper Kuparuk River Region Surficial Geomorphology

    The surfaces of the landscapes in the Toolik Lake region have been modified by a variety of geomorphological processes including alluviation (movement of material by water),...
  • Upper Kuparuk River Region NDVI trend 1985-2007 (Raynolds et al 2010)

    Landsat TM and ETM data were used to calculate NDVI for the study area (823 km^2). This image shows the results of a slope of linear regression of NDVI for 1985, 1989, 1995,...