CPAI Operations has required identification of Spectacled Eider nests prior to off-pad activity to minimize disturbance to this species of nesting bird. Consequently, CPAI contracted ABR, Inc., to conduct nest searches for eiders in June 2009 in areas of the Colville River Delta where off-pad activities were scheduled for summer 2009. In this report, we document eider nest locations within search areas around CD-3, the ice road from CD-2 to CD-3, and Alaska Clean Seas (ACS) spill-response sites on the Colville Delta, and we evaluate eider nesting habitat at 16 spill-response sites.
The primary objective of nest searching in 2009 was to identify the locations of nesting Spectacled Eiders prior to off-pad activities in eider nesting habitat. Documentation of nest locations allowed CPAI to modify planned activities occurring near nests. A list of Spectacled Eider nest locations was transmitted to environmental staff at CPAI at the completion of field work in order to inform off-pad workers of areas to avoid. This report summarizes the project findings.