AVA-AK: Barrow Vegetation Plots (Webber 1978; Villerreal et al. 2012)
Arctic Vegetation Archive-Alaska: Barrow. The Barrow vegetation plots were originally described and mapped by Dr. Patrick J. Webber in 1972 as part of the International... -
AVA-AK: Atqasuk Vegetation Plots (Komárková & Webber 1980; Villarreal 2013)
Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Atqasuk. The Atqasuk vegetation plots were originally described and mapped by Drs. Vera Komárková and Patrick J. Webber in 1975 as part of... -
Landscape Changes on the Kenai Peninsula
Landscape changes on the Kenai Peninsula: A) Cumulative loss of mass, meters of water equivalent, of Wolverine Glacier, a representative coastal glacier in the Kenai Mountains,... -
Seasonal Hydrographs of Kenai River and Sub-Basins
Seasonal hydrographs of the mainstem Kenai River and three tributaries representing lowland (Beaver Creek), montane (Russian River), and glacially influenced montane (Ptarmigan...