Climate Drivers of Alaska Stream Temperatures
The water temperature in lakes, rivers and streams has significant impacts on water quality, fish habitats, and local economies and is linked to regional/large-scale climate... -
Sustainable Agriculture for Alaska and the Circumpolar North: Part II. Enviro...
Local agriculture, food security and food supply are limited in Alaska, as well as in much of the circumpolar North. These limitations stem from a suite of challenges that have... -
Cumulative Yellow-Cedar Decline
Data represent presence/absence for cedar decline is occurrence Cedar decline refers to the dying or decline of yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) forests in Southeast... -
Southcentral Alaska Climate Data
Climate data was collected by various agencies and reanalysis models, but I made this data easy to open and use readily for multiple various analyses for southcentral Alaska.... -
Kenai Peninsula Climate Station Data
Hydrologists and climate scientists supported by Alaska EPSCoR are using climate data from four climate data networks on the Kenai Peninsula. These data will be used to study... -
Alaska Glacier Studies - Wolverine Glacier
USGS measures mass change, climate and streamflow at two Alaskan Glaciers - Gulkana Glacier in the continental climate of the Alaska Range and Wolverine Glacier in the maritime... -
Integrating local knowledge and science: economic consequences of driftwood h...
The integration of local knowledge and science represents an opportunity to enhance the understanding of interrelations among climate, hydrology, and socioeconomic systems while...