AK Hydro modified AWC Points in Southeast Alaska
These features ARE NOT AUTHORITATIVE CONTENT from the state's Anadroumous Waters Catalog.In in some instances, these points have been moved (via snapping) from their original... -
Toolik Lake Area Geobotanical (All layers)
The Toolik Lake vegetation area is located near the western boundary of the Upper Kuparuk River region and encloses a 20-km^2 area surrounding Toolik Lake that stretches from... -
Toolik Lake Grid Geobotanical
The Toolik Lake grid map focuses on the 1.2-km2 research grid on the south side of Toolik Lake. This area is one of the principal intensive research areas at the Toolik Lake... -
Imnavait Creek Area (Walker & Maier 2008)
The Imnavait Creek vegetation area is located near the center of the Upper Kuparuk River region, east of Toolik Lake. It encloses a 20-km^2 area south of the Dalton Highway that...