AKR Exotic Plant Management (EPMT) Geodatabase
Exotic plant survey polygon data representing infested or non-infested areas including inventory, treatment, and monitoring efforts. Polygons generated from point and line... -
Upper Kuparuk River Region Landform
Landforms were grouped into the following classes for map display: • Hill or mountain: Includes undifferentiated hills and mountains of all slopes and sizes. Includes moraines... -
Imnavait Creek Area (Walker & Maier 2008)
The Imnavait Creek vegetation area is located near the center of the Upper Kuparuk River region, east of Toolik Lake. It encloses a 20-km^2 area south of the Dalton Highway that... -
Geobotanical Atlas of the Prudhoe Bay Region (Walker et al. 1980)
This map covers most of the Prudhoe Bay Oilfield on the North Slope of Alaska that was under development in 1980, covering 145 km^2. The map synthesizes work done for the US...