A Framework for Setting Watershed-scale Priorities for Forest and Freshwater Restoration on Prince of Wales Island - Alaska

The purpose of this project has been to develop and implement a systematic framework for prioritizing investment in restoration activities among watersheds on Prince of Wales Island. For the purposes of this report, restoration is defined as the process of reestablishing a self-sustaining habitat that in time can come to closely resemble a natural condition in terms of structure and function (Turner and Streever 2002). The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) methodology involved development of a consensus approach to priority setting, inclusion of the best available science and previous efforts, and a transparent decision framework that can be used across a mix of land ownerships. While this framework is designed specifically for Prince of Wales Island, it can be generalized to evaluate priorities throughout Southeast Alaska.

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Última actualización 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:39 (AKST)
Creado 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:39 (AKST)
Estado Complete
End Date 2008-09-08