Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation’s – Alaska’s Clean Water Actions (Impaired water bodies/waters to watch)

What is ACWA? The Alaska Clean Water Actions (ACWA) was created through Administrative Order 200. This directive told Alaska resource agencies to work together to characterize Alaska's waters in a holistic manner; sharing data, expertise and other information. ACWA's database of priority waters and identified stewardship actions is a product of this collaboration. The three state resource agencies, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Game and Department of Natural Resources also conduct an annual joint matched-solicitation for water quality projects using funds that are passed through from federal monies. Projects to restore, protect or conserve water quality, quantity and aquatic habitat on identified waters are considered. Local governments, citizen groups, tribes and education facilities are often the recipients of these awards.

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Última actualización 17 de diciembre de 2019, 19:39 (UTC+00:00)
Creado 17 de diciembre de 2019, 19:39 (UTC+00:00)
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