Caribou Monitoring Study For The Alpine Satellite Development Program, 2012

Discoveries of additional oil reserves on the Colville River delta and in the northeastern National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska (NPRA) in the 1990s led to a proposal by ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc.(CPAI)—the Alpine Satellite Development Program (ASDP)—to expand development from the original Alpine Project facilities on the Colville River delta and into NPRA. The first ASDP facility to be constructed (winter 2004–2005) was the CD4 drill site and access road. The North Slope Borough (NSB) development permit for CD4 stipulated that a 10-year study of the effects of development on caribou distribution and movements be conducted within a 48-km (30-mile) radius of CD4. Although the 48-km radius later was dropped from the permit stipulation, the caribou monitoring study was designed using that distance to delineate the primary study area. The study area encompasses the CD3 drill site (also constructed in winter 2004–2005), the planned CD5 drill site (which received agency approval in late 2011), and the proposed GMT1 (formerly CD6) and GMT2 (formerly CD7) pads and associated infrastructure.

This report presents results from the eighth year of the ASDP caribou monitoring study, combining analyses of data from aerial surveys, radio telemetry, and remote sensing. Aerial strip-transect surveys of caribou distribution were conducted in three adjacent survey areas (NPRA, Colville River Delta, and Colville East) from April to October 2005–2012, and similar data from earlier studies in those areas during 2001–2004 also were analyzed. The telemetry analyses used location data from VHF, satellite, and GPS radio-collars in the Teshekpuk Herd (TH) and Central Arctic Herd (CAH) collected by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the NSB Department of Wildlife Management, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Datos y Recursos

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Campo Valor
Última actualización 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:17 (AKST)
Creado 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:17 (AKST)
Estado Complete
Data Types Report
Start Date 2012-04-01
End Date 2012-10-31
Other Agencies ConocoPhillips
ISO Topics biota