Chugach National Forest GIS – Cover Type

Cover types originated from the timber type coverages for each management area. First, all polygons less than five acres were ELIMINATEd, except islands in Prince William Sound. Second, polygons less than 10 acres (except islands in PWS) were ELIMINATEd. FTYP and NFOR were added as separate items and they were REDEFINEd as FTYP-NFOR. TT-CODE and TT-ALPHA were deleted. Individual FTYP and NFOR codes were consolidated to create the cover types. FTYP consolidations were: Hemlock-White Spruce and Hemlock-Sitka Spruce were combined and called Hemlock-Spruce; Aspen-White Spruce, Birch-White Spruce, Cottonwood-Sitka Spruce, Cottonwood-White Spruce, Cottonwood-Birch-White Spruce, Aspen-Hemlock, Birch-Sitka Spruce & Birch-Hemlock were combined and called Mixed Hardwood-Softwood; Cottonwood-Balsam Poplar and Cottonwood-Birch were combined and called Cottonwood; Aspen-Birch was combined with Aspen and called Aspen. NFOR consolidations were: Natural Grassland and Alpine High Meadow were combined and called Grass & Alpine; Icefield or Snowfield and Recurrent Snow Slide Zone were combined and called Ice & Snow; Urban, Agriculture, Other, Mass Wasting, Sand Dunes, Uplifted Beach, River Fill, Other Causes, Borrow Pit were combined and called Other Non-forested. DISSOLVE was done on FTYP-NFOR. The six coverages were then MAPJOINED into the two final coverages.

Data available from the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Datos y Recursos

Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Mantenedor Erik Jackson
Última actualización 17 de diciembre de 2019, 19:24 (UTC+00:00)
Creado 17 de diciembre de 2019, 19:24 (UTC+00:00)
Estado Unknown
Data Types Database
End Date 2008-06-17
ISO Topics biota
Geo-keywords Kenai Peninsula, Southcentral