Circumpolar Arctic AVHRR NDVI Map

The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is a measure of greenness. NDVI was calculated as: NDVI = (NIR - R) / (NIR + R), where NIR is the spectral reflectance in the AVHRR near-infrared channel (0.725-1.1 µm, channel 2) where light-reflectance from the plant canopy is dominant, and R is the reflectance in the red channel (0.5 to 0.68 µm, channel 1), the portion of the spectrum where chlorophyll absorbs maximally. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data were obtained from the USGS Global AVHRR 10-day composite data ( Glaciers and oceans were masked out using information from the Digital Chart of the World (ESRI 1993). The image is composed of 1 x 1-km pixels. The color of each pixel was determined by its reflectance at the time of maximum greenness, selected from 10-day composite images from 11 July to 30 August 1993 and 1995 (Markon et al. 1995). These intervals cover the vegetation green-up-to-senescence period during two relatively warm years when summer-snow cover was at a minimum in the Arctic (Markon et al. 1995).

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Markon, C. J., M. D. Fleming, and E. F. Binnian. 1995. Characteristics of vegetation phenology over the Alaskan landscape using AVHRR time-series data. Polar Record 31:179-190.

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Campo Valor
Mantenedor Donald A. (Skip) Walker
Última actualización 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:11 (AKST)
Creado 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:11 (AKST)
Estado Complete
Data Types GIS
Other Contacts Martha Raynolds (Email:
ISO Topics geoscientificInformation, imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
Geo-keywords Arctic