Harvest of the Sea: Coastal Subsistence in Modern Wainwright

Nelson, Richard K. (1982). Harvest of the Sea: Coastal Subsistence in Modern Wainwright (pp. 1-126). Wainwright: North Slope Bourough's Coastal Management Program.

Excerpt from preface: Summary account of the Inupiat way of life, centering on marine subsistence as it is practiced by the modern people of Wainwright. Although it makes frequent reference to earlier times, this report concentrates mainly on the present and the past twenty years. Its central purpose is to inform interested outsiders about the methods, patterns, dynamics, and significance of coastal subsistence to residents of this village in recent times.

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Última actualización 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:17 (AKST)
Creado 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:17 (AKST)
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