In 2012, partners (The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Hydaburg
Cooperative Association (HCA) partnered on this
project under a grant awarded by NOAA and administered
by the Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund) in this project set out to map baseline
salmon distribution and habitat conditions in
Hetta and Eek Lake watersheds in Southeast, Alaska.
These productive sockeye salmon systems are the
primary subsistence fi shery for the community of
Hydaburg, and are under consideration for timber development
in the near future. The objectives were to:
1) Document the full extent of anadromous
water bodies in each watershed,
2) Map salmon habitat characteristics and
spawning activity, and
3) Document baseline water quality and fl ow.
This project also enabled local residents to explore
and participate in the management of their fishery
through employment opportunities.