Prince of Wales Island Unified Watershed Assessment - Prince of Wales Watershed Association

The 􀀃purpose 􀀃of 􀀃this 􀀃Unified􀀃 Watershed 􀀃Assessment 􀀃(UWA) 􀀃is 􀀃to􀀃 identify 􀀃for 􀀃member􀀃 groups 􀀃of 􀀃the 􀀃Prince􀀃 of 􀀃Wales􀀃 Watershed􀀃 Association 􀀃(POWWA)􀀃 their􀀃 watershed 􀀃based􀀃 information􀀃 needs􀀃 by􀀃 community􀀃 which􀀃 may􀀃 be􀀃 addressed􀀃 by􀀃 the 􀀃community,􀀃 with􀀃 assistance 􀀃from􀀃 POWWA 􀀃if􀀃 desired,􀀃 when􀀃 funding􀀃 becomes􀀃 available.􀀃􀀃

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Campo Valor
Última actualización 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:39 (AKST)
Creado 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:39 (AKST)
Estado Complete