Seasonal Hydrographs of Kenai River and Sub-Basins

Seasonal hydrographs of the mainstem Kenai River and three tributaries representing lowland (Beaver Creek), montane (Russian River), and glacially influenced montane (Ptarmigan Creek) flow regimes. Dark lines represent daily mean discharge standardized by drainage area, and shaded bands represent variability (±1 SD) among years. Data record covers 69 years for the main stem and 8–12 years for each tributary. The large spike in December reflects a single storm event captured in the for the main stem and 8–12 years for each tributary.

For more information, please see the following journal article: Schoen et al. 2017. Fisheries. “Future of Pacific Salmon in the Face of Environmental Change: Lessons from One of the World’s Remaining Productive Salmon Regions.

Datos y Recursos

Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Mantenedor Erik Schoen
Última actualización 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:25 (AKST)
Creado 17 Diciembre, 2019, 10:25 (AKST)
Estado Complete
Data Types Database
Other Agencies EPSCoR - Alaska Adapting to Changing Environments, US Geological Survey, National Science Foundation
Other Contacts Mark Wipfli (Email:
ISO Topics environment, inlandWaters
Geo-keywords Alaska, Kenai Peninsula, Southcentral