AK Hydro Freshwater Lakes in Southeast Alaska
This dataset is used to depict lakes within Southeast Alaska. -
Southeast Alaska Vessel Traffic Index, TNC, 2009
Data on marine vessel traffic for 2009 was obtained from the Marine Exchange of Alaska (http://www.mxak.org). These data record locations for all tracked vessels at 6 second... -
AK Hydro Stream Polygons in Southeast Alaska
This dataset provides cartographic representation of "wide" linear water features in Southeast Alaska. -
Southeast Alaska Water Temperature Database [1962 - 2013] Source Locations
This dataset represents physcial locations of sites on streams or lakes that have available historic daily water temperature records. The points were digitized directly into GIS... -
Southeast Alaska Water Temperature Database [1962 - 2013] Study Drainages
This dataset represents the boundaries of drainages involved in an ongoing University of Alaska Southeast regional water temperature study. Drainages were created from a... -
Stream Monitor
This dataset contains point features of stream reach surveys established for monitoring. Each point represents an individual monitoring reach. -
US Coast Guard Aids to Navigation
US Coast Guard Aids to Navigation. The US Coast Guard (USCG) maintains and operates navigation markers for marine navigation. The markers consist of various types of lights and... -
Compatibility of management activities with local landscape values and forest...
In recent decades, actions by the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government have altered the management directives of the Tongass National Forest.... -
Melting ice, habitat change and nutrient flux: Hydrological, biogeochemical a...
The coastal Gulf of Alaska (GoA) region is experiencing accelerating climate change as manifested by rapid recession of glaciers; climate models predict up to a 40% increase in... -
Interaction of wild and hatchery pink and chum salmon in Prince William Sound...
The PWSSC has been contracted by Alaska Department of Fish and Game to collect the large amounts of field data to support scientific analyses to two overarching questions: (1)... -
Impacts of sea otter recolonization on marine resources and coastal communiti...
The ongoing resource conflict between sea otters and commercial, sport and subsistence harvesters in southern Southeast Alaska has been underway for at least 15 years. This... -
Gulf Apex Predator prey (GAP)
The GAP project was initiated in 1999 by Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program faculty at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in Kodiak to address trophic-level questions of... -
The emergence of adaptive governance arrangements for tropical forest ecosystems
We seek to understand the conditions under which groups of people can successfully manage their own rural, developing forest resources using behavioral experiments, survey data,... -
Surviving the gauntlet: A comparative study of the pelagic and demersal and s...
Contact contributor for more details. -
Rare ecosystems and plant associations
We are describing and mapping ecosystems, alliances and plant associations that are rare or of conservation concern in Alaska. This is part of a larger effort by the network of... -
Passive acoustic monitoring of Cook Inlet belugas
Through this research, we hope to identify human activities negatively impacting Cook Inlet belugas and their value as perceived by society by analyzing the vocal repertoire of... -
Development of prediction system for the california current integrated ecosys...
JISAO’s Seasonal Coastal Ocean Prediction Experiment (J-SCOPE) represents a collaborative project involving scientists at JISAO and NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Science Center... -
Intrinsic potential habitat modeling for chinook salmon in the Copper River w...
Ecosystem management requires information on habitat condition across large scales; however, in Alaska comprehensive environmental surveys are often impractical and expensive to... -
Intrinsic potential habitat modeling for chinook salmon in the Copper River w...
Ecosystem management requires information on habitat condition across large scales; however, in Alaska comprehensive environmental surveys are often impractical and expensive to... -
Endocrine responsiveness in Chinook salmon
Ichthyophonus hoferi is a parasite infecting various fish species, including Chinook salmon. While the parasite is not harmful to humans, the effects on the fish host can be...