Landscape Changes on the Kenai Peninsula
Landscape changes on the Kenai Peninsula: A) Cumulative loss of mass, meters of water equivalent, of Wolverine Glacier, a representative coastal glacier in the Kenai Mountains,... -
Observed and Projected Changes in Air Temperature and Precipitation, Kenai, A...
Observed and projected changes in (A) air temperature and (B) precipitation at the city of Kenai and (C) observed changes in discharge in the Kenai River at town of Cooper... -
Fishery Permit Ownership and Revenue in the Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1980-2014
Concentration of (A) fishery permits and (B) variability in fishery revenues for selected communities of the Kenai Peninsula Borough (source: Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry... -
Poster - Changes Facing Salmon Ecosystems
Salmon face risks from a rapidly changing climate, landscape change, and ocean acidification, but may also benefit from warming temperatures and glacial retreat under some... -
Glaciers, Lakes, and Salmon Productivity
Influences of glaciers and lakes on the hydrology and ecology of salmon-bearing rivers. Photo credits (L-R): Marli Miller, U. Oregon; John Schoen; National Weather Service. For... -
Seasonal Hydrographs of Kenai River and Sub-Basins
Seasonal hydrographs of the mainstem Kenai River and three tributaries representing lowland (Beaver Creek), montane (Russian River), and glacially influenced montane (Ptarmigan... -
Total Run Sizes of Chinook and Sockeye Salmon in the Kenai River, 1976-2015
Returns (total run size: escapement + harvest) of adult Chinook and Sockeye salmon to the Kenai River and a major tributary, the Russian River (ADFG data). Returns are plotted... -
Effects of temperature regime on juvenile Chinook and Coho salmon growth in t...
Poster and Abstract, presented at the annual meeting of Alaska chapter of the American Fisheries Society (AFS). Homer, Alaska, November 5, 2015.