Oumalik Data: species and environmental...

URL: https://catalog.epscor.alaska.edu/dataset/f2035868-9fba-4961-be3a-8c7b34d59e7d/resource/0ca690a0-ccfc-4174-9189-e08eb7030660/download/aava_oumalik_jebersole_1985_alldata.zip

From the dataset abstract

Arctic Vegetation Archive - Alaska: Oumalik Vegetation Plots. The vegetation in the vicinity of Oumalik Oil Well Number 1 was described and mapped by J. Ebersole for his doctoral thesis...

Source: AVA-AK: Oumalik Vegetation Plots (Ebersole 1985)

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Metadata last updated 17 de decembro de 2019
Created 17 de decembro de 2019
Format application/zip
License License not specified
createdVai máis de 4 anos
last modifiedVai máis de 4 anos
on same domainTrue
package idf2035868-9fba-4961-be3a-8c7b34d59e7d
revision idfb14940a-e1e8-4a29-9cbc-b4a547aeff94
size78,1 MiB
url typeupload