Duck Creek is listed as an impaired water body by the state of Alaska. Four decades of
urbanization in the watershed have contributed to poor water quality and loss of aquatic
habitat, diminishing the creek’s ability to support fish and wildlife (Koski and Lorenz
1999). In recent years, restoration efforts have included sediment removal, channel and
riparian restoration, wetland creation, and improved fish passage.
Since 1996, the stream channel between Taku Boulevard and Mendenhall Boulevard has
been restored. The aquatic invertebrate community was surveyed in this reach in 1994-
1996, providing baseline information on stream health to gage the success of restoration
efforts (Milner, 1996). Invertebrate communities are unique indicators of water and
habitat quality because they integrate impacts from multiple stressors over time (Rinella
et al. 2003). Invertebrates are also important components of aquatic food webs as they
transfer energy from primary producers to secondary consumers such as fishes,
waterfowl, and other birds.
This report summarizes the results of an invertebrate bioassessment on Duck Creek at
Taku Boulevard and Aspen Avenue in the spring and summer of 2005. Results are
compared to the baseline survey of 1994/1996.