4 datasets found

Etiquetas: Cadastral

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  • Township

    This dataset contains PLSS townships for the Tongass National Forest. The data represents townships occurring within and bounding the Tongass National Forest. Source data came...
  • PLSS Sections

    This dataset contains PLSS sections for the Tongass National Forest. The data represents sections occurring within and bounding the Tongass National Forest. Source data came...
  • Chugach National Forest GIS – Ownership Boundaries

    Digitized in-house in 1988-89 both with LIDES and in ARC/INFO from the Land Status Atlas maintained by the Chugach National Forest Supervisor's Office Lands Staff. Coverage is...
  • Chugach National Forest GIS – Township, Range, & Section

    Line coverage in ArcInfo format received from Alaska Department of Natural Resources, projected to UTM's, clipped to Chugach National Forest boundary and corrected where...