4 datasets found

Etiquetas: coastline

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  • 250K Shoreline

    This dataset contains polygons describing a generic shoreline of the Tongass National Forest.
  • Alaska Coastline 1:63,360, Lines

    This is a first cut at a statewide 1:63,360 coastline. The entire coasline, however, is not 1:63.360; only where data was available as of January 1998. It is a mixture of...
  • Alaska ShoreZone

    The Alaska ShoreZone mapping system is available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The ShoreZone standardized system catalogs both geomorphic and...
  • Chugach National Forest GIS – Saltwater Shoreline Polygons

    Shoreline for the Chugach National Forest was digitized from 1:63,360 Primary Base Series (PBS) quads by the USFS Geometronics Service Center (GSC) in Salt Lake City. Data...