Alpine Satellite Development Plan Water Quality Monitoring Report, 2010

During the winter of 1998/1999, ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. (CPAI) initiated construction of the Alpine Facility (CD1 and CD2) in the Colville River Delta (CRD). Alpine operations expanded with implementation of the Alpine Satellite Development Plan (ASDP) during the 2004/2005 winter season. Construction included placement of gravel facilities for two new satellite drill sites, CD3 and CD4. The CD3 pad development included an airstrip and pad/airstrip access road, apron, and taxiway. The CD4 pad development included an access road running parallel to the existing Alpine Sales Pipeline, connecting to the CD2 access road. Beginning in 2007, three lakes near CD3 and CD4 facilities have been monitored annually to comply with North Slope Borough Ordinance Serial No. 75-6-46, Stipulation IV.2.4.3(h). The three sampling lakes are M9313 near CD3, and L9323 and L9324 located north and south of CD4, respectively. The 2010 monitoring marks the fourth continuous year of annual water quality monitoring. An overview of the three study lakes relative to Alpine facilities is presented in Figure 1.1 The water quality monitoring program for the lakes included in situ field sampling of temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, conductivity/specific conductance, and turbidity. Additional water samples were collected for laboratory analysis of dissolved hydrocarbons--diesel range organics (DRO), residual range organics (RRO) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 metals. The laboratory analyses were chosen to identify and monitor the persistence of trace concentrations originally observed in 2007. This report presents the field investigation procedures, sampling, and analytical methods as well as the resulting water quality data and analyses. Field sampling was performed on July 31, 2010. Laboratory analyses identified targeted constituent concentrations well below state and federal recommended water quality criteria and standards. Table 1.1 summarizes the field and laboratory sampling parameters for the three lakes included in the 2010 program.



最後更新 十二月 17, 2019, 10:18 (AKST)
建立 十二月 17, 2019, 10:18 (AKST)
狀態 Complete
Start Date 2010-07-01
End Date 2010-07-30
Other Agencies ConocoPhillips