Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, Alaska, 2009

ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. (CPAI), conducted wide-ranging surveys for birds on the Colville Delta and in the northeast National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NE NPRA) in 2009. CPAI has conducted wildlife studies for many years on the central Arctic Coastal Plain to identify important wildlife areas that may need special consideration during new oilfield construction and to monitor the effects of oil development. This document is a summary of the bird surveys conducted in 2009 for the Alpine Satellite Development Project (ASDP), which includes the Colville Delta and adjacent portion of the Northeast Planning Area of the NPRA (Figure 1). The Alpine Satellite Development Project is composed of a drill site, processing facility, camp, and airstrip at CD-1 (Alpine Facility) and a drill site at CD-2, all constructed from 1998 to 2000. Regulatory agencies reviewed and approved a request by CPAI for additional satellite drill sites in the ASDP Environmental Impact Statement in 2004 (Alpine Satellite Development Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement). In 2005–2006, 2 satellite drill sites were constructed: CD-3 on the outer delta and CD-4 on the Nibliq (Nechelik Channel). CD-3 is designed as a roadless drill site and is accessed by aircraft during the summer and by ice roads during the winter. CD-4 is connected to the Alpine Facility by road. Four more drill sites are proposed on the west side of the Nibliq (CD-5, GMT-1, GMT-2, and Fiord West). All satellite drill sites will send oil to the existing Alpine Facility for processing. Details on the 2009 studies can be found in 3 technical reports “Avian Studies for the Alpine Satellite Development Project, 2009”, “Eider Nest Searches at the CD-3 Pad, Ice Road, and Spill-Response Sites on the Colville Delta, 2009”, and “Eider Surveys at CD-5, GMT-1, and Fiord West in the Northeast NPRA, Alaska, 2009”, all prepared by ABR, Inc., a biological research company contracted by CPAI. Copies of these reports are sent to the Kuukpik Corporation offices in Anchorage and Nuiqsut and the Kuukpik Subsistence Oversight Panel (KSOP) office in Nuiqsut, as well as other northern communities, government agencies, and non-government organizations. Questions about the reports and studies can be directed to Caryn Rea, Environmental Studies Coordinator for ConocoPhillips, at (907) 265-6515.



最後更新 十二月 17, 2019, 10:17 (AKST)
建立 十二月 17, 2019, 10:17 (AKST)
狀態 Complete
Start Date 2009-06-01
End Date 2009-09-11
Other Agencies ConocoPhillips