Circumpolar Landscape Age Map (Raynolds et al. 2008)

The landscape age map shows the length of time (in thousands of years) that Arctic landscapes have been available for plant colonization and the development of plant communities (Raynolds et al 2008). For most areas, this would be the time since the most recent deglaciation. Other areas first became available for plant colonization after emerging from under water due to drainage of glacial lakes or isostatic rebound. Areas for which no Wisconsin glaciation is known, were coded as 9999.These data came mostly from Ehlers, J. and P. L. Gibbard (eds., 2004). The map was based on the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM Team 2003) shapefile, with an attribute added for landscape age. Polygon boundaries were modified where necessary to follow glaciation data.

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Map Themes: AVHRR Biomass 2010, AVHRR Biomass Trend 1982-2010, AVHRR False Color-Infrared 1993-1995, AVHRR NDVI 1993-1995, AVHRR NDVI Trend 1982-2010, AVHRR Summer Warmth Index 1982-2003, Bioclimate Subzone, Coastline and Treeline, Elevation, Floristic Provinces, Lake Cover, Landscape, Landscape Age, Substrate pH, Vegetation Layer


Elvebakk, A. 1999. Bioclimate delimitation and subdivisions of the Arctic. Pages 81-112 in I. Nordal and V. Y. Razzhivin, editors. The Species Concept in the High North - A Panarctic Flora Initiative. The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo.

Yurtsev, B. A. 1994. Floristic divisions of the Arctic. Journal of Vegetation Science 5:765-776.



維護者 Martha Raynolds
最後更新 十二月 17, 2019, 10:10 (AKST)
建立 十二月 17, 2019, 10:10 (AKST)
狀態 Complete
Data Types GIS
Other Contacts Alaska Geobotany Center (AGC) (Email:, Arve Elvebakk
ISO Topics geoscientificInformation, imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
Geo-keywords Arctic