Colville River Delta Spring Breakup 2010 Hydrologic Assessment

Annual monitoring provides a basis of record used to evaluate the effect of breakup flooding events on existing facilities and infrastructure. Data is also used for analysis and design of proposed infrastructure projects. As during past spring breakup monitoring, the primary objective of the 2010 Colville River Delta Spring Breakup Hydrologic Assessment was to monitor and estimate the magnitude of breakup flooding within the Colville River Delta. The 2010 spring breakup program also documented observations of any effects to flow and channel morphology caused by the construction of winter ice bridges across the East Channel of the Colville River at the horizontally directionally drilled (HDD) crossing and the Kachemach River. Permit stipulations identified in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Permit No. POA-2004-253 and the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fish Habitat Permit FH04-III-0238 require monitoring of the Alpine facilities during spring breakup. Permit requirements include direct and indirect measurements of discharge through existing drainage structures, and documentation of pad and access road erosion caused by spring breakup flooding. State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) permits FG99-III- 0051-Amendment #7 and FG97-III-0190-Amendment #5 require monitoring of recharge to Lakes L9312 and L9313. The Alpine facilities rely on water withdrawal from these lakes for daily operations, the volume of which is dictated in part by annual spring recharge.



最後更新 十二月 17, 2019, 10:16 (AKST)
建立 十二月 17, 2019, 10:16 (AKST)
狀態 Complete
Start Date 2010-05-01
End Date 2010-06-30
Other Agencies ConocoPhillips