Eider Surveys At CD-5, GMT-1, and Fiord West In The Northeast NPRA, Alaska, 2009

Aerial and ground surveys for eiders were conducted in the northeast National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska (NE NPRA) in 2009 to gather information on eiders in support of permit applications of the Alpine Satellite Development Project (ASDP) for ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. The eider surveys continued long-term data acquisition begun in 1992 on the Colville Delta and in 1999 in the NE NPRA. Surveys focused on the abundance, distribution, and habitat use of 2 species of eiders that are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973: Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri) and Steller’s Eider (Polysticta stelleri). Two other eider species, the King Eider (Somateria spectabilis) and Common Eider (Somateria mollissima), were recorded incidentally. In 2009, ASDP comprised 4 drill sites (CD-1 and CD-2 at Alpine and the CD-3 and CD-4 satellites). This study focused on eiders near proposed drill sites and road routes in NE NPRA and the western extreme of the Colville Delta. The 3 proposed drill sites—CD-5, GMT-1 (formerly CD-6), and Fiord West—were located in NE NPRA. Pre-nesting surveys were conducted in fixed-wing aircraft during 8–13 June 2009. Nesting surveys were conducted on foot by 3–10 researchers in search areas around proposed pads and road routes during 29 June–5 July. Search areas were bounded by a 400-m wide buffer around the CD-5, GMT-1, and the 3 alternative pad locations within Fiord West (FW West, FW East, and FW South); and a 200-m wide buffer along the proposed road routes, but nest searches were conducted only in habitats identified during previous studies as used by nesting eiders. Spring conditions were relatively warm in May and early June 2009. Snow disappeared from the tundra by the second week of June, break up on the Colville River occurred on 26 May, and White-fronted Goose broods were first recorded on 26 June, all early dates for these seasonal events. By the third week of June, however, colder temperatures and wind dominated the weather conditions. During the pre-nesting survey in 2009, 1 Spectacled and 2 King eider groups were sighted within the proposed road and pad area buffers. Two Spectacled Eider groups were seen adjacent to the road buffers. In 9 years of pre-nesting eider surveys in NE NPRA and 16 years of surveys on the Colville Delta, 7 Spectacled Eider groups have been recorded in the buffers around the proposed roads and pads. The largest number of Spectacled Eiders recorded in the road and pad buffers was 4 adults in 2006. During the nesting season in 2009, we found 1 Spectacled Eider and 12 King Eider nests in the road and pad buffers. A small portion of the buffers were included in nest searches during previous years. Although 6 Spectacled Eider nests have been found on nest searches in NE NPRA in previous years, only 1 nest from 2003 occurred within the road and pad buffers around the current alternative locations. The density of Spectacled Eider nests (0.12 nests/km²) in 2009 was relatively low compared with the density of King Eider (1.39 nests/km²).



最後更新 十二月 17, 2019, 10:16 (AKST)
建立 十二月 17, 2019, 10:16 (AKST)
狀態 Complete
Start Date 2009-06-08
End Date 2009-07-05
Other Agencies ConocoPhillips