Exxon Valdez Oil Spill - Shoreline Oiling - CIK Spring 1991

MultiAgency Spring 1991 Shoreline Oiling Survey - The 1991 Spring Survey (MAYSAP) was conducted between April 15, 1991 and June 15, 1991. Surveys were conducted by representatives from the State of Alaska, US Coast Guard, local land owners, and Exxon Corporation. Typical crew size was six members. The survey was intended to include all areas of shoreline oiling. Exxon provided for the timely automation and delivery of these data.

Data available from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources.



最後更新 十二月 17, 2019, 10:24 (AKST)
建立 十二月 17, 2019, 10:24 (AKST)
狀態 Complete
Data Types GIS
Start Date 1991-04-15
End Date 1991-06-15
ISO Topics environment, oceans
Geo-keywords Kenai Peninsula, Southcentral