Rural Utility Business Advisor (RUBA) Program: Operation and Maintenance Best Practices for Alaska

The data can be used to look at institutional capacity. Scores are broken into three categories: Technical, Financial, and Managerial. For all questions or concerns pertaining to Technical scores, please contact your assigned RMW. Contact your assigned RUBA regarding Managerial and Financial scoring concerns. If you feel that any portion of your community’s score is inaccurate, it is important that you contact either your RMW or RUBA so that the data may be updated or corrected.

This data was made as part of the Alaska Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Northern Test Case.

The goal of the RUBA program is to increase the managerial and financial capacity of rural water and wastewater utility providers. The program is advisory only; travel and assistance is at the request of local utility staff. The federal government amended the Safe Water Drinking Act in 1996 to require states to ensure that new systems are viable and that there is sufficient local technical, managerial, and financial capacity to operate the water or wastewater system. The RUBA program began in 1994 and continues to provide the technical, managerial, and financial training and assistance as mandated.



維護者 Jen Schmidt
最後更新 十二月 17, 2019, 10:19 (AKST)
建立 十二月 17, 2019, 10:19 (AKST)
狀態 Complete
Data Types Database
ISO Topics utilitiesCommunication
Geo-keywords Alaska