Tongass National Forest Landslides

FISCAL 2011: Inventory: "2011 fiscal yr additions and edits, Tongass Soil Scientists" Including landslides added by Becki Saari from Big Thorne analysis area, landslides added by Jacquie Foss from Sitka, Petersburg, Juneau, and Hoonah Ranger Districts, and landslides added or edited by Darin Silkworth from Ketchikan-Misty Fiords Ranger District and Inventory: "Soil Survey, unconfirmed" Landslides added by Darin Silkworth from the soil layer from the southern two thirds of the forest but unconfirmed as to meeting criteria used for inclusion in the landslide layer. These landslides are tentative pending interpretive confirmation. and Inventory: "Soil Survey, confirmed" Landslides added by Darin Silkworth from the soil layer from the southern two thirds of the forest and confirmed as to meeting criteria used for inclusion in the landslide layer. Added fields "LANDSLIDE_NAME", "PRED_COVER", "COVER_SPP", "COVER_PERCENT", "EXAMINER", "LATEST_YEAR_NOTSEEN", and "FIRST_YEAR_SEEN" FISCAL 2010: Inventory "2010 Additions, Darin Silkworth" Landslides added on POW, primarily from CRD from 1985, 1997, 2005, and 2006 photography. Landslides added and previously added landslides updated using 1971 photography on POW (incomplete update: from flight lines 34 to 53 only). Started the population/conversion of CONFID_DAT and YR_INT_TYP to conform with the Data Dictionary (see Suplemental Information). Reinterpreted VEG_CLASS for existing landslides on POW using 2006 photography, if available (YR_INT_TYP changed to 2006P). Landslide identified on earlier inventories need additional interpretive work using both older (1971 and older) and most recent (currently 2006) photography to update landslide dates (CONFID_DAT and YR_OCCURANCE). April 2009: Landslides added from Dennis Landwehr's 1993 to 1995 inventories on Thorne Bay RD. Domains added to some attributes. Attribute TNF_LS_ID deleted. Attribute TNF_LS_NO repopulated assigning a sequential and unique number to all landslides. Attribute YR_OCCURANCE populated for all landslides. See Supplemental Information. February 2007: Version two of the Tongass national Forest Landslide Layer. This project was initiated in 2001 and as yet is incomplete. To date approximately 3 million acres have been mapped. Landslides were identified from the most recent photography and digitizerd on screen. Attributes are defined in the data dictionary and in Entity Attribute. This data set is in Geodatabase form and includes Prince of Wales Landslide mapping . Latest version includes landslides delineated in 2005 from Hoonah.



維護者 Dennis Landwehr
最後更新 十二月 17, 2019, 10:30 (AKST)
建立 十二月 17, 2019, 10:30 (AKST)
狀態 Complete