Tongass National Forest, Soil Inventory, 2013

This data is a digital soil survey developed for the Tongass National Forest as well as some state and private lands in Southeast Alaska. Data was created from soil map units drawn by US Forest Service soil scientists using aerial photographs, soil inventories work and field-verification. Soil map units were digitized from polygons drawn on 1:31680 scale Mylar maps. The updates in 2013 include South Kruzof and Yakutat. South Kruzof was mapped digitally at a scale of 1:31680 on 1998 2-meter Black and white Digital Ortho Quads. Yakutat was mapped digitally at a scale of 1:31680 on 2008 Color 1 meter Digital Ortho Quarter Quads



維護者 Dennis Landwehr
最後更新 十二月 19, 2019, 10:00 (AKST)
建立 十二月 17, 2019, 10:28 (AKST)
狀態 Ongoing
Start Date 1966-01-01
End Date 2013-04-29
Other Agencies USDA Forest Service