Kenai Peninsula Precipitation and Air Temperature Trend Analysis
This paper combines precipitation and temperature data from weather stations located throughout the Kenai Peninsula region of Alaska with trend testing to determine if there are... -
Total Run Sizes of Chinook and Sockeye Salmon in the Kenai River, 1976-2015
Returns (total run size: escapement + harvest) of adult Chinook and Sockeye salmon to the Kenai River and a major tributary, the Russian River (ADFG data). Returns are plotted... -
Kenai Peninsula Borough – Roads
Includes information on primary, secondary, local and 4WD roads. Data available from the Kenai Peninsula Borough. For more information, please contact the Kenai Peninsula... -
Southcentral Alaska Climate Data
Climate data was collected by various agencies and reanalysis models, but I made this data easy to open and use readily for multiple various analyses for southcentral Alaska.... -
Elected Officials on the Kenai Peninsula: Perceptions, values and institution...
17 of 23 serving local elected officials representing the Kenai Peninsula were interviewed in October 2014 about their observations, values, and organizational responses to... -
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Growth and Foraging for Chinook and Coho Sal...
Presentation from the 2016 Alaska Chapter of American Fisheries Society Student Symposium, University of Alaska Fairbanks. -
Effects of temperature regime on juvenile Chinook and Coho salmon growth in t...
Poster and Abstract, presented at the annual meeting of Alaska chapter of the American Fisheries Society (AFS). Homer, Alaska, November 5, 2015. -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Summer Motorized Recreational Access
Motorized/Non-Motorized prescriptions for recreational access during the summer. Part of the 2002 Land and Resource Management Plan. Data available from the United States... -
Kenai Sport Fishing Pilot Survey
Survey of sport fishermen who were fishing primarily on the main stem of the Kenai River. Survey includes catch, expenditure, residence, fishing congestion, fishing history, &... -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Roadless System
This dataset contains all National Forest Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) for the Chugach National Forest. The IRA data was originally submitted to GSTC for the Forest... -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Wilderness Study Area and Recommended Wilderness
Coverage WILD_2002 contains the Wilderness Study Area mandated by ANILCA and the Wilderness recommended by the 2002 Forest Plan. Data available from the United States... -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Timber Type
Existing timber type mylars were developed by the Alaska Regional Office in 1978 using 1:15,840 aerial photography flown in the 1950's-1970's, and digitized primarily under... -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Ownership Boundaries
Digitized in-house in 1988-89 both with LIDES and in ARC/INFO from the Land Status Atlas maintained by the Chugach National Forest Supervisor's Office Lands Staff. Coverage is... -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Recreation Point Feathers
Recreation sites in the Chugach National Forest. Data was digitized from 1:31,680 mylar overlays of mylar orthophoto quads using ARC/INFO. Data available from the United States... -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Ranger Districts
Ranger districts within the Chugach National Forest. Various data sources have been used. See TR-DATA-SOURCE item. Data available from the United States Department of... -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Township, Range, & Section
Line coverage in ArcInfo format received from Alaska Department of Natural Resources, projected to UTM's, clipped to Chugach National Forest boundary and corrected where... -
Chugach National Forest GIS – Cover Type
Cover types originated from the timber type coverages for each management area. First, all polygons less than five acres were ELIMINATEd, except islands in Prince William Sound.... -
Alaska ShoreZone
The Alaska ShoreZone mapping system is available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The ShoreZone standardized system catalogs both geomorphic and... -
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill - Shoreline Oiling - CIK Fall/89 - Spring/90
ADEC Fall 1989 Shoreline Oiling Survey - The fall data represents a summary of beached oil concentration following the completion of all major spill treatment in 1989. Survey... -
Kenai Fjords Image Mosaic - True Color
MrSid compression 20:1 of mosaic of Landsat Thematic Mapper 7 multispectral satellite image path 69 row 18 (August 9, 2000) for Kenai Fjords National Park. This Kenai Fjords...