829 conjuntos de datos encontrados

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  • Assessing the Sensitivity of Alaska's Coastal Rainforest Ecosystem to Changes...

    Rates of freshwater discharge from watersheds in the Gulf of Alaska are among the highest on Earth (1-10 m/yr w.e). This densely glacierized region of Alaska is undergoing rapid...
  • Alaska Glacier Studies - Wolverine Glacier

    USGS measures mass change, climate and streamflow at two Alaskan Glaciers - Gulkana Glacier in the continental climate of the Alaska Range and Wolverine Glacier in the maritime...
  • Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership

    Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership is a conservation partnership developing on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. This partnership is working with the National Fish Habitat...
  • Geoplatform

    Federal agencies and their partners collect and manage large amounts of place-based (geospatial) data – but it is often not easily found when needed, and sometimes data is...
  • Alaska State Geo-Spatial Data Clearinghouse

    The Alaska State Geo-spatial Data Clearinghouse (ASGDC) provides an electronic pathway for the public to access a wide variety of information in the form of maps, images and...
  • Anadromous Waters Catalog

    The Catalog of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes and its associated Atlas (the Catalog and Atlas, respectively) currently contain over...
  • Cook Inlet Lowland Wetlands

    Many wetlands in the Cook Inlet lowlands, Alaska have been classified and mapped as part of an ongoing project to better manage these valuable resources. Areas covered include...
  • Russian River Fish Counts (Chinook, Coho, Sockeye-early run, Sockeye-late run)

    The weir is located at the outlet of Lower Russian Lake, about 78 miles from the mouth of the Kenai River. It takes approximately 7 to 10 days for sockeye salmon to travel from...
  • Anchor River Fish Count (Chinook, Coho)

    The Anchor River sonar/weir site external link is located approximately 2 miles upstream from the mouth of the river at the upper boundary of the salmon fishery. The daily...
  • Ninilchik River Chinook Fish Count

    Ninilchik River weir is located approximately 4 miles upstream from the saltwaters of Cook Inlet. The weir is immediately downstream of where Brody Road crosses the Ninilchik...
  • Kenai River Chinook Fish Count

    The DIDSON sonar estimates will be updated twice weekly. The daily estimates represent king salmon of all age and size classes and is expanded by 1.28 to account for late-run...
  • Kasilof River Sockeye Fish Count

    The Kasilof River sockeye salmon sonar project is located approximately 8 river miles upstream from the river mouth, just upstream of the Sterling Highway bridge. Sockeye salmon...
  • Kenai River (Late-Run Sockeye) Sockeye Fish Count

    The Kenai River late-run sockeye salmon sonar project is located approximately 19 miles upstream from the mouth of the Kenai River. The estimated travel time for sockeye salmon...
  • Crooked Creek Chinook Fish Count

    The early-run Chinook salmon escapement survey in Crooked Creek occurs from early-June through mid-August near Kasilof in the Northern Kenai Peninsula Management Area (NKPMA)....
  • Bridges, Gates and Culverts - Kenai Peninsula Borough

    Includes the locations of bridges, gates and culverts. Data available from the Kenai Peninsula Borough. For more information, please contact the Kenai Peninsula Borough GIS...
  • Airports - Kenai Peninsula Borough

    Includes the locations of airports, seaplane bases and heliports. Shapefile (.shp) download. For additional download formats, visit KPB GIS Downloads (link below).
  • Mileposts - Kenai Peninsula Borough

    Distance markers (in approximately one mile increments) along state highways or other major roads in the Kenai Peninsula Borough. Shapefile (.shp) download. For additional...
  • Chugach National Forest GIS – Recreation & Other Forest Trails

    Various data sources have been used. See TR-DATA-SOURCE item. Data available from the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.
  • Kenai Peninsula Borough Flex Parcel Viewer

    The Interactive Parcel Viewer is the Kenai Peninsula Borough's public GIS web site. It allows members of the public to access detailed information from the GIS by using a...
  • Alaska ShoreZone Coastal Mapping and Imagery

    The ShoreZone mapping system has been in use since the early 1980s and has been applied to more than 40,000 km of shoreline in Washington and British Columbia (Berry et al 2004;...