Chugach National Forest GIS – Powerlines
This coverage currently consists of the powerlines digitized from mylar overlays of 1:31,680 orthophoto quads in ARC/INFO. One 17(b) easement on lands that have been conveyed to... -
Kenai Peninsula Borough – Water
Graphical depiction of water bodies within the Kenai Peninsula Borough. Not all lakes are named, but those that are have been attributed. Data available from the Kenai Peninsula... -
Southcentral Demographics and Values Survey (2014)
The Southcentral Demographics and Values Survey is a survey of Kenai Peninsula Residents for understanding community resources, ties to land and the outdoors, and potential... -
Alaska ACE Southcentral Test Case
The Southcentral Test Case, based at the University of Alaska Anchorage, focuses on drivers of change in the communities of the Kenai River watershed. The area is subject to... -
Geological Characterization and Sedimentary Processes of Nearshore Habitats i...
The ultimate goal of this project is to quantify the linkages between the dynamic sedimentary system and marine benthos of Kachemak Bay at a variety of temporal and spatial... -
USGS Kenai River Sites
Stream gauge and flow data for Kenai River Gauging Stations. Data available for download vary by sensor and may include: gauge height, discharge, water temperature, air... -
Epidemic of Beak Deformities (Avian Keratin Disorder) among Wild Bird Populat...
Since January 1998, about 2000 birds of 30 different species have been reported in Alaska with grossly deformed beaks. Most sightings have been concentrated in south-central... -
Soil Surveys for the Kenai Peninsula
Soil survey information is regularly updated and posted to the Web Soil Survey, which is the official source for current information. The Web Soil Survey provides both tabular... -
SNOTEL Monitoring Network
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) installs, operates, and maintains an extensive, automated system to collect snowpack and related climatic data in the Western... -
Peat Cores
Peat core locations -
Lake Cores
Lake core locations -
Best Data Layer (BDL)
The Best Data Layer (BDL) is an imagery base layer containing the 'best available' imagery from the Alaska Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative archive. The layer is made up of... -
Indigenous Peoples and Languages of Alaska
This map shows the indigenous language regions of Alaska. Related languages of neighboring Canada and Russia are also shown. The language boundaries represent traditional... -
Southcentral Alaska National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD 2001)
National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD2001) is a 16-class (additional four classes in Alaska only) land cover classification scheme that has been applied consistently across... -
Alaska Online Aquatic Temperature Site (AKOATS)
Through a grant from the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC), we are developing a comprehensive statewide inventory of current... -
Kenai Peninsula Climate Station Data
Hydrologists and climate scientists supported by Alaska EPSCoR are using climate data from four climate data networks on the Kenai Peninsula. These data will be used to study... -
Population Status and Ecology of North Pacific Shorebirds
Alaska is widely recognized as a global center for shorebirds. Ninety percent of the migratory species in the Western Hemisphere have breeding populations in Alaska. The North... -
Understanding Ecological Change in Intertidal Areas of Coastal Regions in Ala...
The thousands of kilometers of Northeast Pacific coast contained within National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska represent some of the most remote, pristine... -
DOI on the Landscape--Pacific Nearshore Project--Coastal Ecosystem Responses ...
In 2009, three USGS Science Centers as well as the Minerals Management Service (MMS), National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Exxon Valdez Oil Spill... -
Effects of Roads and Climate on Water Quality and Temperature in Lentic Wetla...
Collect data from lentic wetlands used as amphibian breeding habitat to determine if nearby roads cause poor water quality or thermal disturbance that facilitates amphibian...