Voices of the Caribou People: a participatory videography method to document ...
Voices of the Caribou People” is a participatory videography project for documenting and sharing the local knowledge of caribou-user communities about social-ecological changes.... -
Meeting institutional criteria for social resilience: a nested risk system model
Communities of Alaska’s North Slope face increased stresses from cumulative effects of industrial development, resource use, and changing cryospheric and socioeconomic... -
Interior and Arctic Alaska Community Subsitence Harvest from the Alaska Depar...
This data was made as part of the Alaska Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Northern Test Case. The data was collected and cleaned up to reduce... -
Top 5 leading causes of death in Northern Alaska, with death, birth, and fert...
This data was made as part of the Alaska Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Northern Test Case to examine sources of death and vital rates among... -
Alaska Internet Access and Speed
This data was made as part of the Alaska Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Northern Test Case. The purpose is to document internet access among... -
Alaska Primary Care Facilities in 2009
This data was made as part of the Alaska Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Northern Test Case. The purpose is to document health care access... -
Alpine Pipeline River Crossing 2009 Monitoring Report
The Alpine Pipeline System was originally constructed during the winter of 1998/1999. The pipeline crosses three major rivers between the Alpine Development CD1 facility and its... -
Distribution and biophysical processes of beaded streams in Arctic permafrost...
Beaded streams are widespread in permafrost regions and are considered a common thermokarst landform. However, little is known about their distribution, how and under what... -
Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring Project: Results of Year 4 Hunter Inte...
This Year 4 report presents the first four years of data for the Nuiqsut Caribou Monitoring Project based on research conducted by Stephen R. Braund & Associates (SRB&A)... -
Are Mixed Economies Persistent or Transitional? Evidence Using Social Network...
Two opposing narratives describe future prospects for mixed economic livelihoods in Alaska and the broader Arctic. On the one hand, Arctic anthropologists have written about the... -
Alaska Population Size by Community
This data was made as part of the Alaska Northern Test Case Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. The purpose is to document population change among Alaska... -
Alaska Household Income from 2009-2014
This data was made as part of the Alaska Northern Test Case Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. The purpose is to document household income change among... -
Eider Nest Searches At The CD-3 Pad, Ice Road, And Spill-Response Sites On Th...
The breeding range of the Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri) includes the Colville River delta where it is a common nester. Spectacled Eiders and Steller’s Eiders (Polysticta... -
COMIDA: Impact Monitoring for Offshore Subsistence Hunting, Wainwright and Po...
Braund, Stephen R. & Associates. 2013. COMIDA: Impact Monitoring for Offshore Subsistence Hunting, Wainwright and Point Lay, Alaska. US Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of... -
Climate Change in Wainwright, Alaska
Brubaker, Michael, Bell, Jacob, Dingman, Heather, Morales, Ronnie, Tagarook, Cheryl, Drake, richard, & Ramstad, Kierin. (2014). Climate Change in Wainwright, Alaska:... -
Impacts and Benefits of Oil and Gas Development to Barrow, Nuiqsut, Wainwrigh...
Braund, Stephen R. Braund & Associates. (2009). Impacts and Benefits of Oil and Gas Development to Barrow, Nuiqsut, Wainwright, and Atqasuk Harvesters. Prepared for the... -
Passing on the Knowledge: Mapping Human Ecology in Wainwright, Alaska
Kassam, Karim-Aly, & Council, Wainwright Traditional. (2001). Passing on the Knowledge: Mapping Human Ecology in Wainwright, Alaska. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Arctic... -
NMFS Marine Mammal Disaster Response Meetings: Wainwright, AK
Dushane, Jen. (2014). NMFS Marine Mammal Disaster Response Meetings: Wainwright, AK: Alaska Ecological Research. In March 2014, personnel from the National Marine Fisheries... -
Sensitive Tribal Areas on the Arctic Slope: An Update of Areas, Issues, and A...
Wolfe, Robert J., & ICAS, Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope. (2013). Sensitive Tribal Areas on the Arctic Slope: An update of Areas, Issues, and Actions in Four... -
Climate Change Effects on Traditional Food Cellars in Barrow, Alaska
Brubaker, Michael, Dingman, Heather, Leavitt, Price, & Romanovsky, Vladimir. (2010). Climate Change Effects on Traditional Food Cellars in Barrow, ALaska CCH Bulletin (Vol....